Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is a necessity today and it is linked to both finding a job and achieving greater success in education.

Today there are 300 million French-speakers worldwide, and Armenia has been a member of the International Organization of Francophonie for several years.

Apart from being the mother tongue of famous writers, French is also a language of love, and there are probably no more beautiful words than je t’aime.

Our educational center has been providing an in-depth study of Moliere’s language for over 7 years, as well as actively disseminating French culture.

Internationally recognized teaching quality

The Le Monde teaching method and the classification of French language proficiency levels meet the CECR standards. Moreover, since its inception, the company has been actively following FLE teaching innovations and using them in its teaching, and communicative and practical teaching methods (approche communicative et actionelle) allow all learners to speak French from the first lesson.

For organizing lessons, we use methodological manuals of leading French publishing houses, textbooks, audiovisual materials, adapted books, etc.

Course organization:

Taking into account students’ wishes, employment and work schedule, the company offers accelerated and non-accelerated courses at different times of the day.

Those with basic knowledge of French pass an oral test and are included in the relevant group.

The traning stages are:

A1-A2 Utilisateur élémentaire

B1-B2 Utilisateur indépendant

C1-C2 Utilisateur expérimenté